Full podcast link w/Liz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Giov8ckA_is&t=10s
Understanding non-binary. An open discussion from a loving supportive mother and how she felt and the discussions she had with her teen daughter when she came to her and said she no longer wants to be identified as a girl.
For some of us we are born identifying as a boy or a girl, but in this podcast Liz explains what it is like when your child wants to be identified as they. How the school system, her sibling and even the Girl Scouts were there to support Kai.
Were there signs? Not really, she only loved dresses and loved everything princess. But then at some point was fixated on short hair, thought she was a lesbian but then stated she was non-binary.
**Correction, a micro preemie is a child born under 2 pounds, not 10 as stated in the podcast.**
Full podcast link w/Liz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Giov8ckA_is&t=10s
Kai's podcast link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkPRsWW-ZErgo2ntQWyI5A
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To reach Liz:
email: liz@lizmccarthy.com
website: lizmccarthy.com