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A networking & direct referral group for Women in Business throughout the San Francisco Bay Area including but not limited to Marin & Sonoma Counties.
"The girlfriends approach to building businesses".

1 min read
Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!
If you are like me its with mixed feelings that I am saying goodby to a year that in one way flew by and yet the individual days were so...

1 min read
From Homeless to Award Winning Filmmaker
Cali Gilbert shares her story on how she went from a successful corporate employee in New York to homeless in Sausalito, CA. Cali is...

1 min read
"Franchise ownership/now may be the time to invest"
Interested in being an entrepreneur? Owning your own small business? There is so much more to franchises than just fast food and senior...

1 min read
Steps to getting your photos and videos organized while working from home.
Donna Pullan of Legacy Photos and Stories shares tips on how to get started on organizing your boxes of pics. You know you have them:)

4 min read
"A 'Karen' and a black business woman"
Episode #11: A ‘Karen’ and a Black businesswoman.’ MWAW Life Happens Podcast Posted 7/1/2020 Length 00:37:24 Listen to our podcast: Hi, I...

1 min read
Why today is the right time to start a business.
Well worth a listen. If you have always wanted to start a business, write a book or take an art class Heather's story will help motivate...

1 min read
Business words of advice from MWAW Members
#1. From Denise/Liberating Little Bags: To do: call all previous customers Outcome: possibility of new purchases, stability of future...

1 min read
How to get serious about networking in 2020
A very informative useful discussion on networking. So often we attend networking events and yet we walk away without a new business...

1 min read
Manage Your Attention, Your Energy and Expectations!
Getting started in a small business can be tough, here are a few tips from business coach Ulrika Brattemark.

1 min read
Social Media Made Easy/Dr. Sydne Pomin (DC)
This podcast will help you to understand how easy it is to support each other in business by liking, commenting and sharing blogs,...

2 min read
Marin Women at Work does video, finally:)
Okay I own it, I have come to video kicking and screaming. Video is something we have discussed many times at our MWAW meetings and I...

2 min read
To Podcast or not to Podcast
To be perfectly honest, I started out thinking video was the way to go but what I realized is I really don't like myself on camera. So...

2 min read
Stepping out side your (my) comfort zone
This is my year to really re-evaluate and to make change and that means stepping out of my comfort zone; whether its technical...

5 min read
Are You Getting By…..Or Getting Ahead?
This was a hot topic that came up in a recent interview we recorded for the new Marin Women at Work podcast; and I thought it would be...
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