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Make it Happen in 2022/ 4 Part  No Fluff Business Success Webinar Series!
4 powerful women 4 powerful webinars.

Purchase one at $30. or all 4 at $100.
Email us for the webinar link at

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Webinar #1
"How to jump start your profits in business."
Jodi Weitz Business Coach
What you need to do today to be financially successful-systems and tools.

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Webinar #2 
"Optimize your website, is your current website really working for you."
Sandra Dinardi Web Content Consulting
SEO, analytics things you can do at home to improve your website performance.


Webinar #3
"Build strategic alliances, referrals and join ventures."
Gail Nott Take Wing Coaching & Lift
How to build community relationships & referrals without selling.

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Webinar #4 
"Social media training: How to show up confidently & expertly online & maximize your impact."
Jen Marples Business Advisor & Coach
Social media and your business, the changes, platforms and how to be successful.

Email us for the link(s):



Marin Women at Work


Marin Women at Work is a networking group throughout the North San Francisco Bay Area, including Marin and Sonoma Counties. We encourage and support one another through networking, connection and referrals.



Marin Women At Work EST. 2014

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