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LynnEl Powell

Sunny Day Healings

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I’ve been a healer all my life. Growing up in San Diego, I moved to my ‘true’ home in the Bay Area after college. When I discovered the Spiritual and Psychic community in 1997, I realized I could come out of psychic hiding and heal myself, too! I have been reading, healing clairvoyantly and having fun since then. I am a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute’s Clairvoyant, Minister in Training, Dendara Women’s Healing, and Hands on Healing Programs. I continued on with the Spirit is Calling Sacred Healing Ministry , Wellness Alchemy and Spiritual Entrepreneurship Programs. After retiring from a long elementary teaching career, I am looking forward to my new ‘day job’ as a healer. When I am not healing others, I am healing myself by doing yoga, meditation, dancing, hiking, gardening, traveling the world and playing with my friends.

I would love to help you validate your enthusiasm, wellness and freedom in your body. Let your spirit shine™!

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